Empowering Intelligence
in Everyday Devices
Large AI
in tiny silicon

10x Model Capacity
100x Energy Efficiency
Do more
with less math
Embedded AI Platform
Experience devices in entirely new ways

Put the “smart” in your smart home

Stay alert for the critical moments

Personalize your soundscape
Femtosense in the News

Sparse AI MCU for Enhanced Voice Processing and Noise Reduction

Edge AI in a package for consumer designs

Sparse Artificial Intelligence MCU from Femtosense and ABOV Semiconductor Delivers AI-Based Voice Processing On-Device

Video – imec.IC-link Innovation Story: Femtosense

Podcast – The future of AI will be sparse

Solving the Challenges of Adding AI to Home Appliances

AI Tradeoffs At The Edge

Podcast – Sparse AI powering the inside of consumer electronics

Is the Future of AI Sparse? See Femtosense Sparsity-First Approach